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The Iris Project

In the spring of 2022 I was contacted by my a nurse - Jennifer Goebel - who runs the geriatric specialty section of the Bay State Hospital Emergency Room. She was tasked with creating a special room for her geriatric patients who are particularly impacted by dementia and Alzheimer's. Included in her project was pulling together a collection of items to make these patients' stay more comfortable such as reading glasses, blankets, puzzle books and other items to entertain and soothe while they waited. While she handled the clinical items to help these patients, she commissioned me to create art for their walls that would hold their attention, calm them and possibly distract them from being in the Emergency Room. Because many of these patients experience vision loss related to advanced age or other various health concerns, I was incredibly excited to give back to this patient population that I recently participated in and someday may return to.


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Texture & Contrast

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Local Culture

In addition to making these images clinical supportive for these patients with limited visual and cognitive capacity, we also wanted to highlight aspects of the local culture if possible. After some discussion we landed on images reminiscent of the rustic agricultural history of the area in conjunction with Bay State's coastal namesake.


Coming Soon!
(The Iris Project)

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